This is individual support to help you join community activities that you enjoy and are not able to participate in independently around Sydney, regional New South Wales, and Queensland. Our support worker will be able to assist you in joining group activities in the general community participation and ensuring you get there and back home safely, or they can provide you with the company to do something you enjoy like going to the movies or out for lunch.
We know how important it is to stay connected to the things you love and the people who matter most. This not only helps you feel connected to other like-minded people and your community but can help with your overall wellbeing. focus on your wellbeing is one of our priorities, particularly if it’s one of the goals you’re looking to achieve as part of your NDIS Plan.
If your NDIS Plan includes funding for ‘Increased Social and Community Participation’ then We are here to help!
simply contact your Support Coordinator and we can assist with providing you the services you’re looking for to help you achieve your goals. Community participation is an important service for many of our participants, as it’s their way of remaining connected with the places and people that are important to them.